Learn language online with Transparent Language
Learn a new language or brush up on your skills with our new service, Transparent Language Online. It's free with your library membership and there are no ads or restrictions on how much you can learn. There's also KidSpeak for junior learners!
Get started
1. Visit the Transparent Languages website to register: https://library.transparent.com/falkirk/game/ng/#/login
2. Enter your library card number and email address.
3. Choose your username and password.
Away you go! Continue to learn on the website or download the app.
Use the app
Note: to use the app you first need to register on the Transparent Languages website
1. Download the app from
- Google Play Transparent Language Online – Apps on Google Play or
- Apple Store Transparent Language Online on the App Store (apple.com)
2. Open the app and log in with the details you registered earlier on the website.
Using KidSpeak
Kidspeak is only available for Chinese, English, French, German, Italian and Spanish. Access to KidSpeak requires a Transparent Language Online account (see above how to register).
1. Sign in to Transparent Language Online
2. Set your learning language to the language you want to learn by clicking the language drop down menu in the upper left corner. Select “More languages”, then choose the appropriate language.
Once you have selected the language you wish to learn, click the KIDSPEAK tab at the top of the screen to launch KidSpeak.